Leaving iStudio and causing a com.motion

The news is out and, once again, I’ve been scooped by a Thornley Fallis-er, this time Joe Thornley, on my own news. I’m leaving iStudio to become managing director of com.motion in Toronto.

After a fantastic two and a half years at iStudio, I’ve taken one of the hardest decisions of my life and handed in my resignation. It has been an incredible journey for me working with some extraordinarily talented and creative colleagues.

When I joined iStudio, I came in with almost no online experience. Sure, I had a basic and naive grasp on social media and the Web 2.0 movement but apart from my own blog, and two and a half years of communications experience, I was a complete n00b.

The team here was absolutely incredible at assimilating me, at showing me the ropes and in demonstrating great (great!) patience correcting mistakes and putting me back on the right path when I veered off course. Which was and remains often.

Since I joined Fleishman-Hillard and later iStudio, I’ve learnt much about consulting clients in the online landscape, about project management and even a little bit about how an agency works and what it needs to survive and flourish.

I’ve worked for some amazing clients on some complex and inspiring projects. Together, with the help of the talents here at iStudio, we have done work that I will be proud of for the rest of my career. Last night the Toronto team took me out for drinks and presented me a beautiful collage of some of the great work we’ve done together. It will be hanging with pride in all of my offices from now on.


But when this opportunity came up, out of the blue, it was obvious to me that I had to grab it with both hands.

So, now that my clients and colleagues have been notified, I can announce that, as of Tuesday, I’ll be hanging my hat at com.motion, Veritas’s online and social media marketing practice group, as managing director.

What was great news for com.motion’s founder, Keith McArthur has become great news for me as well, as it presented me with a brand new challenge in my career. Keith has done a great job building the practice up from nothing and I hope to go some way to fill his, large, shoes.

At com.motion, I’ll be working to build a team along with Darren Kelly, formerly of Collective Intellect, the fabulously talented Brenna Flynn and our newest intern, Amanda Grainger. I’m very excited to be meeting with my new clients and finding out exactly what we can do for them, as they navigate the tricky seas of online and social media marketing. Our goal will be to offer global brands the opportunity to embrace the online space and to inspire authentic conversations between real people.

As with my last move, a little less than three years ago, every ending means a new beginning and I’m incredibly excited about the chance to do more great work for my clients.

25 Responses to Leaving iStudio and causing a com.motion

  1. The collage is a very classy gesture – goes to show you worked with a good team there.

    Best of luck, Ed!

  2. Barry Waite says:

    Congratulations Ed! I’m so thrilled for you. It’s a great step forward in your career and demonstrates your leadership in the social media community in Canada. Well done!

  3. Ben Lucier says:

    Ed, that’s really great news, I’m sure the iStudio team will miss you. Looking forward to hearing about the new opportunity after you’ve had a chance to settle in!

    Good luck!

  4. Parker says:

    Great news, buddy.

  5. Joe Boughner says:

    Awww, who’s going to send me the link to the iStudio Do Not Want Ads next year?

    Congrats Ed, this sounds like a really exciting new opportunity.

  6. Arieh Singer says:

    Congrats Ed! Great news. Best of luck at the new gig!

  7. Dave Fleet says:

    Congratulations, Ed! Great news for you and for com.motion.



  8. […] Ed Lee is now the managing director and online and social media consultancy com.motion in Tortonto, congrats! How to connect with others (or get a job): Several people have been hired because of this blog post series, here’s how: […]

  9. Good for you Ed. Rock the Social Media Sphere!

  10. collin douma says:

    Nice move Ed. Good Luck in the new digs.

  11. Paull Young says:


    Congrats mate! Huge move. Looking forward to hearing about the big step up and the cool work you do with the agency.

    Hope you’ll still have the time to blog as frequently with MD on your business card.

  12. Heard the news, Ed. Sorry we won’t have a chance to work together more closely. Congrats though. Best of luck!

  13. Dave Upward says:

    Hey Ed, Congratulations…. best of luck with your new position.

  14. brian says:

    Hey Ed,

    congratulations on your new job! Best of luck.

  15. Kimberly Lyn says:

    Congrats Ed! Good luck at your new job.

  16. Josh says:

    Yes, you better keep blogging! Blogging me blogging you maybe the best blog title out there. aHA! (This is the best comment I can muster on a Friday evening!)

  17. Congratulations mate! Sounds like a great move. Best of luck.

  18. JayVee says:

    Sad to hear you’re leaving FH, but I wanted to wish you the best of luck. Thank you again for all you’ve done for me. 🙂

  19. Rayn@ says:

    With best wishes!

  20. Rebecca McMichael says:

    Sounds like a fantastic move – well done you. Be proud, have fun and do what you do best. Becks

  21. e2beard says:

    Congrats, Ed!! I’m not sure if you remember me – I left FH last year – but you were one of the people that inspired me to blog and to leverage social networking for recruiting. I’d say that over half of all of my hires in the last year or so have been from social networking sites – and I don’t think I would have ever understood the value of digital communications for my field of work (HR/recruiting) had it not been for your blog – and a couple of the FH digital bloggers in NYC and Cleveland. I hope you continue your blog – I’m not a writer or PR person so I rarely comment, but I always like to read your posts!!

  22. Yeah, I totally dropped the ball on hearing this news even though I tried to get it out of Keith and Bren weeks ago. I have a troubled attention span : (

    Congrats Ed! Tear that mother down (in a good way)!

  23. […] Dave gives a shout-out and congratulations to Ed Lee who has taken over for Keith McArthur at […]

  24. What can I say other than Congratulations Ed! I didn’t mean to scoop you. I thought it was public knowledge. 🙂

  25. Congratulations Ed! Time for bigger, better, opportunities!

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